Catharsis: The process of releasing strong or repressed emotions
"Some people find catharsis by indulging themselves in music."
Taboo: something forbidden in religious or popular culture
"Singing while eating is a taboo."
Sordid: Filthy or dirty; foul
"Men with bad manners are considered sordid people."
Swindle: To cheat or defraud of money or property
"Some people gain profit by swindling their victims."
Frivolous: silly, unnecessary
"The use of bad words can be frivolous."
Inadvertently: unintentionally, because of an oversight
"A blind man inadvertently stepped on a gum."
Incendiary: causing or capable of causing fire
"Thrown lit cigarettes are very much incendiary and can cause forest fire."
Jargon: unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing; gibberish
"When nervous you become jargon, making you look stupid."
Colloquialism: colloquial(relating to conversation; conversational) style or quality
"Colloquial conversation are common between friends."
Archaism: past form of speech; old writing style
"Archaic words were used in old poems like Shakespeare's."
Cudgel: a short, heavy stick; a club
"A cudgel can knock someone unconscious."
Egregious: conspicuously bad or offensive
"Failing a test after a long night of studying can be egregious."
Anesthetize: to induce anesthesia in
"The dentist will put anesthesia on the patient before taking out the wisdom tooth."
Euphonious: pleasing or agreeable to the ear
"Many people agree that whale noises are euphonious."
Scrupulous: conscientious and exact; painstaking
"I paid scrupulous attention to what my mom said."
Perverted: to cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt
"The sudden urge of sadism came upon him."
Superfluous: being beyond what is required or sufficient
"Overachievers are superfluous in everything."
Saxon: a member of a West Germanic tribal group that inhabited northern Germany and invaded Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. with the Angles and Jutes
"There are people in the world who have Saxon blood in them."
Slovenly: messy, unkempt; sloppy
"My roommate is a slovenly person."
Provocation: anything that causes a response
"An offensive comment can easily cause a provocation."
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